This blog is now officially defunct and has moved here.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Closed For Business...
Posted by
Christopher Tavares Silva
4:42 PM
Friday, August 14, 2009
“Mating Call” at Believe Inn thru Aug 23rd.
Mating Call
Chris Silva & Lauren Feece
Opening: Friday, July 31st 2009 6-10 PM
Show runs through August 23rd and viewings are by appointment.
Contact: H. Mathis // 312 919 0036 // SomethingTo[at]
Believe Inn is located at 2043 N Winchester Chicago IL 60614 USA
Posted by
Christopher Tavares Silva
5:06 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Listen, Son...
Greetings cool peoples and folks, alike!
I just wanted to send out a little promo for a shirt I finally got around to making available. I put this design together a couple years back but my ADD and all these new jungle noises overtook me before I made it to the finish line…anyway, I recently found an online manufacturer whose business model is nicely in line with this design’s content, so here it is at long last my sweet brothers and sisters.
“Listen, Son…”
This sexy, confidence-building and Babylon-smashing design is now available on Light Blue, Natural & White shirts and proudly broadcasts that famous Mahatma Ghandi quote, “Listen son…you don’t have to fuck people over to make a living.” So please, if you have any kind of regard for my bank account (or even just the future of our children) buy as many of these as possible and help me in my quest to teach the children this valuable lesson.
About the site: “23 Monkeys is dedicated to making the world a better and cleaner place. Shirts are made to order, which means no waste from overproduction. Shirts are printed with an eco-friendly printing process, which means no harmful pollutants, and all shirts are made of organic cotton. All shirts are printed and manufactured sweatshop-free, in sunny California, where smoking marijuana might as well be legal.”
What a smart place!
I can’t make any promises, but these shirts may even get you high!
What are you waiting for?
Posted by
Christopher Tavares Silva
10:27 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Solo Show in SF...
at Gallery Three, January 17th through February 7th.

30" x 30" Latex & Acrylic Paints on Canvas
Chris Silva’s art is a diary of his commitment to humanity, relationships, and nature. The playful collection of work in "The Church Of Wife, Wuv & Waughter" strives to facilitate spiritually enriching interactions between themes of love and humor. Aiming to foster an artistic presence and participate in the evolution of conversation about humanity, environment, development, and consumer culture.
Through his art and community involvement, Silva addresses the need for positive social change with graffiti-infused lyrical pieces, bringing a bit of warmth and kindness to the city. His personal explorations in music, art, and design have produced a poetic yet ambiguous collection of work. Drawing upon rich surfaces, textures, and decay with lyrical, calligraphic marks and strongly defined lines, his organic style of mixed media encourages creative reuse through his playful compositions of found objects and materials. The new works featured in "The Church Of Wife, Wuv & Waughter" are a bit different from work in his previous shows due to the inclusion of more paintings on canvas and an expansion of his approach to image making. Of the 13 pieces exhibited at Gallery Three, 4 are done in collaboration with his new wife, Lauren Feece. The stunning bright bold colors and romantic lines amidst urban substance, collage and painting seem to reflect the theme of new love.
With hopes to inspire kindness and consideration while providing amusement, "The Church Of Wife, Wuv & Waughter" offers a unique collection of work to encourage the perceptual and spiritual evolution of the general public.
"The Church Of Wife, Wuv & Waughter" new works by Chris Silva is on display at Gallery Three from January 17th through February 7th 2009. Opening reception on Saturday, January 17th 2009 from 7pm until 11pm, and is open to the public. Gallery hours vary so please call to make an appointment for viewing.
Gallery Three
66 6th Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Owned and operated by The Shooting Gallery
Posted by
Christopher Tavares Silva
12:05 AM